Friday, 14 September 2012

Pasta Pronto

Hello all,
I feel like I've been away from here for a very long time. My body hasn't been cooperating recently and I just haven't had the motivation or anything to write about so I've kept away. There's lots going on at the moment and I'm trying to keep going with a smile on my face. It's been difficult though.
The lovely Mr Lardshow came home from work with a lovely present for me the other day to try and get me blogging and cooking again. We've been joking about having a go at making our own pasta. We've got pizza mastered so we thought pasta was the next step! So I unpacked my present of a shiny pasta maker and we had a go.
The infection that I've been battling has exhausted me and trying to make the pasta nearly killed me but I did it and we covered the kitchen in flour while rolling it out and turning it into spaghetti. I think we over cooked it but it was definitely pasta! Magnifico!
So a beautiful thank you to Mr Lardshow for knowing how to get me blogging again. xBx   


  1. I love that the cats are once more in "there may be something here we can eat" position! Looks amazing...can't wait to try some *invites self for tea some time when the pasta maker is up to it!*

  2. And once more on my bloomin stool! That is not your feeding stool cats! You are welcome for tea whenever my love. I keep on having dreams about those two flats...

  3. unusual use of a coat hanger

  4. Yum looks brilliant. I particularly like the coat hanger initiative - inspired!
