Friday 24 August 2012

I have a new top...

I have a new top...I have a new stripey top...I have another new blue stripey top...

Good morning all! How are we all doing on this sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy, yes definitely cloudy Friday morning? I've had a bit of a blip this morning but I am endeavouring to overcome it by blogging to all of you.

So back to the top. Many of you will know that there is a mug embargo (I'm not sure that's the right word but I like the sound of it) out on me. I am prohibited from allowing any more mugs into the house and I fear that the same may be about to happen to me with stripes...

You see my lovely new top has been added to an already flourishing collection...

Please look at the following exhibits...
I mean seriously, how many stripes can one person have?

Whenever Mr Lardshow takes me out into the land of the living my eyes are just automatically drawn to stripes, it's as if I'm a bumblebee looking for other bumblebees so that I can compare stripey, fat tummies with them! 
In truth I think my love of stripes is down to just one thing; I like to pretend that I'm French! If I could just find myself the perfect beret then I'd be sorted, after all, I already have the stripey top and a string of garlic...
So there you have it, a little insight into the stripey madness of my world. 
Next blog...spotty dressing gowns...


  1. share your stripes with me x

  2. Everyone has something... mine brown paper, string and anything to do with tea! On the clothing front it would have to be linen ... OB.. SESSED with it! I like your stripes .... french, stylish and timeless! :-)
