Tuesday 3 July 2012

Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick, Chicken, Lay A Little Egg For Me!

OK I think I need to admit something to the group... *stands up and takes a deep breath* "my name is Beth and I am an egg addict, I need help!"

I fear they want their eggs back!
I am desperate to get some chickens of my own but until then I'm going to have to make do with visiting my fabulously feathered friends at the farm.

Geoff the chicken trying to get in the car with us

Valerie the Bantam

We just happened to pop by the farm as I had gone into 'I've only got 4 eggs left in the house and I might run out' panic mode, I'm the same with milk, you just never know, do you? I got out of the car with my collection of pennies to put in the egg post box and as I looked through the box on the wall to hopefully find some bantam eggs poor Mr Lardshow was trying to prevent a steady stream of chickens from getting into the car!

As we herded the chucks out of the way another car approached, trundling down the lane. The chickens went clucking mad! As the people in the car got out, more and more chickens streamed through a gate. They obviously knew the people in the car!

Daddy's home and he's got food!

We asked the farm owners how many chickens they had, they have 'about' 200! can you believe that? But they're not all cooped up in a barn, they're roaming free around the farm, in the fields and outhouses. How wonderful is that? Happy chickens = happy eggs = Happy Betsan!

Happy Eggs
 So the question for all of you out there, hopefully reading this is...Do you think it's possible to have a house chicken? Finn and Berry wouldn't mind would they?

Happy Happy Chucks


  1. idyllic.... love the photos.they have '1950's' look.

  2. Bad Margaret will advise you on keeping chickens.... would they lay eggs in your bed???

  3. House chickens... not the wisest plan you've ever had, I suspect. It reminds me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbejNNCTr7k


  4. Apparently the answer is yes! You can have a house chicken. I googled the question and there is a lot of advice on the subject including sites like this one http://chickenheavenonearth.weebly.com/housepet-chicken.html

  5. Sandra that is brilliant! I cannot wait to let Mr Lardshow know that we're getting chickens...

  6. are house chickens free range????

  7. Jem, I love that, saw it last Christmas...am starting to think that maybe a house chicken isn't such a good idea as Finn has started drooling on me. I wasn't aware he could read but I'm starting to think maybe he can and is already salivating over the chicken! xBx

  8. Free roomed? Free homed? I don't know x

  9. YOU are the lovliest Bethan! What a wonderful story and pic's! I want chickens too!!! I used to have 4 chickens when i was a kid..two of them lived longtime. Their names were PEEP and PEEPER!

  10. Aw thank you Anonymous! Put your name so we know who you are... love love xBx
