Tuesday 24 July 2012

Yorkshire Puddings To Die For

You don't get yummier than this...

Hello there my lovelies,
Well it's finally happened, the rain has stopped, the sun is out and I hate it already. I'm already missing my three layered outfits not to mention my knee high socks. The cold will be back soon won't it? Tell me it will, I miss it. It's nearly winter time, it must be!

So To help us all feel that little bit warmer I thought I'd write about one of mine and Mr Lardshow's favourite dishes. The honourable, deliciously proud Yorkshire Pudding. NOM!

Now Mr Lardshow likes to pretend that he is a Northerner, but in truth he's just an East Midlander with a funny accent. When it comes to Northerness I think I have the edge as my Paternal Grandmother was born in York and grew up in Leeds. That's proper Northern that! You don't have to have a little bit of Northern in you to make and enjoy Yorkshire Puddings but I don't think it can hurt, can it!?!

So to the recipe, very simple, nothing fancy, just a few key things and you can have perfect puds every time...


(Makes 4 puddings)

100ml milk,
2 eggs,
70g plain flour,
Pinch of pepper and salt,

I like to make my mixture in a plastic bowl that has a lid. I weigh out the flour and make a well in the middle. Break the eggs into the well and mix in until you have a thick, lump free batter. Then gradually add the milk until you have a thin single cream consistency.

Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Interestingly, Mr Lardshow's mum says that the heat from the pepper is what gives the pudding a kick and the heat from the kick is what makes it rise and go pop in th'oven.

So once the mixture is made, pop the lid on the box and put it in the fridge until you are ready to cook the yorkies. If I'm super organised I'll make it in the morning, the longer it's had in the fridge the better the puddings seem to turn out.

The puddings take a good 20 - 25 minutes to cook and you can't open the oven door once you've put them in so you need to be organised with your timings. We tend to put them in when we've taken out Mr Lardshow's meat to rest, I put the plates in to warm at the same time as the puds.

I put the tray in the oven to get it warm and then when it's time for baking I take the tray out and put it on top of the hob. I hate gas so we use an electric hob. Turn the hob up to the hottest setting, pour some oil into the pans and very bravely watch until you see smoke coming off the pan. As soon as you see the smoke pour the batter into the pans. The smoke will continue but DO NOT PANIC this is what you want. Once all the batter's in, gently put the puddings into th'oven and leave them. Pour yourself a glass of pretend wine and wait for the sloppy liquid to transform into the most delicious pillows of goldeness.

Enjoy my lovelies...

P.S if anyone has any ideas for me to blog about please let me know, Mummy Dearest has come up with a lovely idea that I'm going to get started on but lots more ideas would be very welcome!


  1. Absolutely the best food is yorkie pud and gravy - bet you do a good gravy too? Not watery - I like a gravy of substance!

    1. Are you going to come for your mash, yorkie & gravy tea Em? xBx

  2. I think you should blog about the lovely food you have eaten on your travels. You could call it "Fabulous Foreign Fare" and I think you should begin with a certain well known pizzeria that shares a name with one of my hairy creatures!!!

  3. Ooh Rach, that's a good idea! And Chinese take aways minus the peas and the chips! Where were they from? Place somewhere? xBx

  4. of course your Yorkshire ancestors would have eaten a large Yorkshire Pudding before their roast beef. It filled them up !

  5. Howdy howdy! I just lurve your blog! I'm going to give that Blueberry number a go as soon as I can! Thanks for following my blog! I look fwd to future yumminess!! :-)

    1. Oh wow! Thank you so, so much! Love your blog too, I keep on showing Mr Lardshow all the goodies you keep on finding. Keep posting! xBx

  6. Was it Place Jourdan in Etterbeek where we got the chips from? Special journeys on a Saturday evening just to go to this little shack in the middle of a square!!!

  7. Ooh my Rach, you have planted a seed in my blogging brain...x
